Success After St. Mike’s

Success After St. Mike's

After St. Mike’s, our graduates live lives of success, purpose and happiness.

Our students graduate:

Our six-year graduation rate of 79% is well above the national average of 66%; the four-year public college rate is significantly lower, at 60%.

Our graduates are overwhelmingly satisfied:

98.7% of our graduates would recommend St. Mike’s to high school students. Some of their comments: “An unbelievably positive environment. The perfect place to live, learn and grow for four years.” “Without this education, I would be leading a less full life.”

Our graduates have plans:

46% plan to earn a masters; 23% plan to earn Ph.D; 48% attend graduate or professional school within five years of graduation.

Our graduates are highly regarded:

Select recent graduate school acceptances include: Notre Dame University, Ohio University, The Ohio State University, The University of Vermont, University of Aberdeen, Northeastern University, Atlantic Veterinary College, University of Idaho, University of Michigan, Catholic University Columbus School of Law, Emory University School of Law, The George Washington University, Imperial College Business School, and more.

Our graduates have rewarding careers:

Recent graduates are employed at places like Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Baystate Financial, Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston University, British Consulate, Brown Brothers Harriman, BTX Global Logistics, Burton Snowboards, CIEE, Committee on Temporary Shelter, Enterprise Holdings, FanDuel, Fidelity Investments, Fox Rothschild LLP, Gallagher Flynn & Company LLC, Green Mountain Antibodies, Harvard Vanguard Medical Associates, Mercy Volunteer Corps, MIT Sloan School of Management, NBC5 News, Montana Conservation Corps, PwC, The Brigham and Women’s Hospital, TJX Companies, US Fish & Wildlife, and so many more.

Class of 2022 reports: 97% are employed or in graduate school, 3% are participating in full-time post-graduate service programs and 3% are in internships.

Saint Michael’s internship programs and career education center prepare students for the workplace starting in their first year. Our programs for Pre-med and Pre-law, graduate school preparation, graduate scholarships and fellowships, and special admission agreements with professional schools in the region will help shape your future.

The Boucher Career Education Center provides lifelong help, not only for students to plan their career goals, develop interview skills, and search for jobs upon graduation, but for our alumni too. No matter what path they choose, our alumni take with them a solid foundation in the liberal arts, a strong sense of self and a desire to give back to their communities

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